微软2018年新成立的第一方游戏开发公司The Initiative(首创)又接纳了多名行业尖兵加盟。
根据外媒报道,多名老将加盟首创,其中包括前Bioware首席动画师Ryan Duffin,《神秘海域4》的美术Ryan Trowbridge,《Apex英雄》的设计师Sean Slayback,2016年《毁灭战士》的场景美术Justin Walters。
目前,首创工作室已有Brian Westergaard(2018年的《战神》)、Drew Murray(《夕阳过载》)和Daniel Neuburger(《古墓丽影:崛起》)多名经验丰富的制作者。以下是截止到2019年8月首创工作室32名员工列表(英文,来源领英)。
Darrell Gallagher, studio head (Activision, Square Enix)
Annie Lohr, recruiter (Respawn, Treyarch)
Daniel Neuburger, game director (Tomb Raider series)
Drew Murray, lead designer (Sunset Overdrive)
Christian Cantamessa, narrative consultant (Red Dead Redemption)
Brain Westergaard, director of production (God of War, Tomb Raider series)
Blake Fischer, director of narrative (Xbox)
Chris O’Neill, lead level designer (God of War + Metal Gear Online)
Robert Ryan, senior systems designer (Motive + Naughty Dog)
Ian Miller, senior designer (God of War)
Kai Zheng, senior designer (God of War)
Sean Slaybeck , lead systems designer (Apex Legends)
Ray Yeomans, senior designer (God of War & Tomb Raider series)
Tom Sherpherd, technical director (GTA V, Red Dead Redemption 2)
William Archbell, technical director (Riot Games, 343)
Christopher Ng, technical designer
Cristian Guzman, associate technical director
Ben Diamond, lead systems engineer (Respawn, God of War III)
Cesar Castro, senior software engineer (EA Sports UFC, FIFA)
Robert Marr, lead gameplay engineer (Cryptic Studios)
Victoria Miller, producer (PlayStation)
Irma Ward, associate producer
Ryan Trowbridge, technical art director (Uncharted 4)
Justin Walters, lead environment artist
Matt Corcoran, principal character artist (Jurassic World movie)
Sze Jones, principal character artist (Tomb Raider, Uncharted 4)
Branford Williams, principal production designer (Daybreak)
Oliver Guiney, concept artist (Black Ops 4)
Isaac Yeram Kim, concept artist (Naughty Dog)
Ryan Duffin, gameplay animation director (Battlefield V)
Arlington Cruz, animator
Lindsey McQueeney, HR manager (Google, Crystal Dynamics)
首创工作室成立于2018年,并于当年由微软在E3展前发布会上正式公布,同时公布了收购包括忍者理论在内的多个制作公司的消息。微软在19年将Microsoft Studios正式更名为Xbox Game Studios,目前旗下共有15家游戏制作公司。
目前我们并不清楚首创工作室的项目将是一款怎样的游戏,也不清楚他们是在为Xbox One还是下一代主机Xbox Scarlett开发游戏。但鉴于首创如此豪华的制作阵容,他们的第一部游戏必然是一款3A级大作。
新闻来源:gamespot videogameschronicle