多名行业老将加盟微软The Initiative工作室
资讯08/14 04:00
作者 尼米兹

微软2018年新成立的第一方游戏开发公司The Initiative(首创)又接纳了多名行业尖兵加盟。

根据外媒报道,多名老将加盟首创,其中包括前Bioware首席动画师Ryan Duffin,《神秘海域4》的美术Ryan Trowbridge,《Apex英雄》的设计师Sean Slayback,2016年《毁灭战士》的场景美术Justin Walters。

目前,首创工作室已有Brian Westergaard(2018年的《战神》)、Drew Murray(《夕阳过载》)和Daniel Neuburger(《古墓丽影:崛起》)多名经验丰富的制作者。以下是截止到2019年8月首创工作室32名员工列表(英文,来源领英)。

  • Darrell Gallagher, studio head (Activision, Square Enix)

  • Annie Lohr, recruiter (Respawn, Treyarch)

  • Daniel Neuburger, game director (Tomb Raider series)

  • Drew Murray, lead designer (Sunset Overdrive)

  • Christian Cantamessa, narrative consultant (Red Dead Redemption)

  • Brain Westergaard, director of production (God of War, Tomb Raider series)

  • Blake Fischer, director of narrative (Xbox)

  • Chris O’Neill, lead level designer (God of War + Metal Gear Online)

  • Robert Ryan, senior systems designer (Motive + Naughty Dog)

  • Ian Miller, senior designer (God of War)

  • Kai Zheng, senior designer (God of War)

  • Sean Slaybeck , lead systems designer (Apex Legends)

  • Ray Yeomans, senior designer (God of War & Tomb Raider series)

  • Tom Sherpherd, technical director (GTA V, Red Dead Redemption 2)

  • William Archbell, technical director (Riot Games, 343)

  • Christopher Ng, technical designer

  • Cristian Guzman, associate technical director

  • Ben Diamond, lead systems engineer (Respawn, God of War III)

  • Cesar Castro, senior software engineer (EA Sports UFC, FIFA)

  • Robert Marr, lead gameplay engineer (Cryptic Studios)

  • Victoria Miller, producer (PlayStation)

  • Irma Ward, associate producer

  • Ryan Trowbridge, technical art director (Uncharted 4)

  • Justin Walters, lead environment artist

  • Matt Corcoran, principal character artist (Jurassic World movie)

  • Sze Jones, principal character artist (Tomb Raider, Uncharted 4)

  • Branford Williams, principal production designer (Daybreak)

  • Oliver Guiney, concept artist (Black Ops 4)

  • Isaac Yeram Kim, concept artist (Naughty Dog)

  • Ryan Duffin, gameplay animation director (Battlefield V)

  • Arlington Cruz, animator

  • Lindsey McQueeney, HR manager (Google, Crystal Dynamics)

首创工作室成立于2018年,并于当年由微软在E3展前发布会上正式公布,同时公布了收购包括忍者理论在内的多个制作公司的消息。微软在19年将Microsoft Studios正式更名为Xbox Game Studios,目前旗下共有15家游戏制作公司。

多名行业老将加盟微软The Initiative工作室


目前我们并不清楚首创工作室的项目将是一款怎样的游戏,也不清楚他们是在为Xbox One还是下一代主机Xbox Scarlett开发游戏。但鉴于首创如此豪华的制作阵容,他们的第一部游戏必然是一款3A级大作。

新闻来源:gamespot videogameschronicle